The term "volatile organic compounds" covers chemicals containing carbon and hydrogen. These compounds can easily evaporate at room temperature and can be found indoors under normal conditions as a gas.

Generally, VOCs are emmitted by things such as chemicals, paints, paint strippers, air fresheners, inks, stored fuels, solvents, cleaning supplies, new carpets, vehicle exhaust, cosmetics, dry cleaning, and numerous other household items.

Our TVOC asessments provide you with an indication as to whether or not, off gassing levels may be negatively affecting your indoor air quality.


Particulate Matter (PM) is a widespread air pollutant consisting of both solid and liquid airborne particles suspended in the air.

Commonly used indicators describing PM that are relevant to ones health refer to the mass concentration of particles with a diameter of less than 10 µm (PM10) and of particles with a diameter of less than 2.5 µm (PM2.5). PM2.5 is comprised of ultrafine particles, and is also known as fine PM.

Our Particulate Matter studies consist of measurements taken in order to assess & determine the levels that employees and building occupants are being exposed to..


Formaldehyde is a colourless gas with a pungent odour which often indicates its presence at concentrations greater than 0.2 ppm.

Formaldehyde is found indoors when it is off-gased by sources such as new carpet, new fabrics, cleaning chemicals, particle-board cabinets, some types of flooring, adhesives, & indoor combustion sources.

Formaldehyde levels can vary by as much as 50% from day to day and from season to season. As such, our assessments can measure short or long term indoor levels that are compared to current guidelines in order determine if a problem exists within your work or living space.


The term "indoor air quality" (IAQ), refers to the environmental characteristics inside a building that may affect human health, comfort, or work performance. IAQ characteristics include the concentrations (amounts) of pollutants in the indoor air such as Volitile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Airborne Particulate Matter (PM2.5 & PM10), Allergens (dust & pet dander), Mold (Spores), as well as air temperature and humidity. Concentrations of indoor pollutants on surfaces that may be contacted by people, as well as indoor lighting and acoustic (noise) conditions are also often considered aspects of IAQ. Sometimes, the rate of outdoor air supply to a building, i.e., the ventilation rate, is treated as an IAQ condition because the ventilation rate has a strong influence on the concentration of many indoor air pollutants.

When people are indoors they are exposed to air pollutants generated by indoor sources, and air pollutants that enter the building with the outdoor air that is brought in by ventilation systems. Examples of indoor-generated air pollutants include gases and particles produced by molds and bacteria that grow indoors on damp surfaces, and VOCs such as Formaldehyde, which are emitted by building materials, paints, new furnishings, and some cleaning products. People are also sources of indoor air pollutants, for example, odorous gases also fall into the indoor air pollutants category. Car exhaust fumes and Ozone, a reactive gaseous constituent of outdoor air pollution, are examples of outdoor air pollutants that enter a building with the outdoor air that ventilation systems bring inside.

Poor IAQ can affect your comfort, health, work, and schoolwork performance. A broad range of negative health effects have been associated with indoor pollutant exposure. Some of them have been found to increase the risk of some cancers and other serious ailments. Allergies, asthma, the common cold, and influenza are also a common result of chronic indoor pollutant exposure. Compromised indoor air quality contributes to eye, nose, skin and throat irritations, coughs, wheezing, headaches, as well as fatigue. These symptoms are often associated with what is known as sick building syndrome (SBS), or building related symptoms (BRS).

It is for the above mentioned reason that if a significant amount of building occupants have complaints or concerns with the indoor air quality of the building, it is highly recommended that a indoor environmental professional be brought in to determine if building related issues could be the cause.


Business Hours

Mon-Fri: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Saturdays: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Sundays: closed

  • Kitchener-Waterloo Environmental Testing
    Unit11 - 1673 Richmond Street, Suite 629
    London, ON N6G 2N3


Our technicians are Post-Graduates Certified in Environmental Management & Assessments.