The above Ontario law deals with defining what materials are considered designated substances.
They are as follows:
- Acrylonitrile
- Arsenic
- Asbestos
- Benzene
- Coke oven emissions
- Ethylene oxide
- Isocyanates
- Lead
- Mercury
- Silica
- Vinyl chloride
Under Section 30 of the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), it is the responsibility of the project owner to have a Designated Substances Report (DSR) completed prior to tendering for contractors. As workers must be aware of any potential hazards that may be encountered prior to beginning any disturbance of materials that may potentially contain asbestos, lead, silica, or mercury.
In Kitchener-Waterloo, the Ministry of Labor (MOL) fully enforces the required presence of a Designated Substances Report (DSR) on residential and commercial renovation or demolition projects. Failure to comply with workplace health and safety legal requirements, may result in projects being stopped and delayed, or in expensive fines. So we recommend that you protect your investment by protecting your workers.
If you have any questions about your specific renovation or demolition project, please give us call to discuss particular assessment and testing needs.
We offer free site walkthrough estimates for pre-building demolition designated substances reports.